Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Day 3: Laow loves pandas: After they told me about their crops, the wonderful family invited me to a peaceful dinner. I learned that they have rice at every meal. I found that very cool because I love to eat meat and so at every meal I have some type of steak or something. I realised that every farmer’s enemy are animals. The ones that eat all of their crops and they are almost impossible to keep out. He told me that there are a lot of animals that are all are fascinating but one animal is called the Siberian crane. They migrate from yangtze to Siberia. It migrates this rout to catch fish and molluscs. The father whose name is Laow, his favorite animal that lives around his house is the giant panda. He gave me a drawing:

He gave me a picture and he said that his kids were being not giving him respect so in the confucian way, he went outside for a calm walk and he saw this cute panda and since they are going extinct he decided to savor the memory and draw the panda. He says that the panda inspired him to keep on working hard your whole life and to never give up. I asked him if he would be happy if he was the emperor. He told me that it would be nice to be emperor Wudi but he is happy that he earned his place in this world and that almost nothing was given to him for free.

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