Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Rice Farm

I been traveling for I while finally I’m here. I was warmly greeted and quickly was ushered to a seat for dinner. Their food was delicious and I watched as all their children kept the house clean and all did their chores. Everyone fell asleep at sunset and woke up at sunrise. I followed the children as the got ready for the day. I walked with the parents to their rice farm. I watched for only a short time before they invited me to join them. I walked into the field and watched them work swiftly and quickly. They handed me one of their cutting tool that I couldn’t quite get the name of. I watched to see how they did it and tried it myself. I was easy yet really hard to get the hang of it. I tried by always cut it too short of too long. I watched as they easily cut dozens of bunches quickly while I could barely cut a dozen correctly. After what felt like forever they finally said that they had enough to go back home and separate the rice. I barely have half a basket full when they had two almost overflowing. I walked back so tired with my half basket and sore aching back while the children were finishing with their chores. They were surprisingly still had energy to play. I help them cook dinner and set the table. I watched as the girls helped their mom cook and was amazed of how much they knew and could do for how young they all were. Finally it was time to eat. I was so hungry. After we ate I know knew why they always went to bed a sunset, because they were so tired from a whole day worth of work and chores and they had to wake up at sunrise the next morning to do more work and chores.

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